Add your Community Group!

If you’re a practitioner, then please don’t add your listing here. Instead, please join the Practitioner Directory.

This directory is FREE and open to all community groups, Whether part of the PHA hub network or not. All we ask is that you are aligned to our ethos.

Why Join the Community Group Directory?

  • Free and easy-to-use platform for local people to find you easily.
  • UK wide map search
  • Open to all grass roots community groups

Registration Tips

When registering please choose a username at least 4 letters long with no spaces. Your password should be between 8 and 15 characters long, without spaces. It should include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

After registering, you will receive an email with a verification link. Please validate your membership by clicking that link. (If you haven’t received the email please check your spam folder, just in case!). Any problems, please Contact us for help


Seeing a “Verification failed” message? Please try entering your passwords again and press create account. It may take a few attempts.