I offer Five Element and Classical Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine and Qigong. Sound therapy can be added as part of the treatment.
Therapy Type: Acupuncture
I have been immersed in Holistic Medicine since 1975, originally training then practicing since 1988, 33 years ago. My website WellBeingVibes.com show a list of all my certifications, under Certificates, as well as the different systems I practice.
An Acupuncturist for over 20 years, treating all sorts of conditions, sadly now adding vaccine injuries.
I use a combination of Acupuncture and Reiki in my healing work. I’ve been practicing for more than 20 years and I’m currently running my practice in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. See my website for some of the conditions I treat.
I work with a wide aspect of health and emotional and mental issues with acupuncture, adding to the treatments my wider knowledge of Shamanic training in both healing and dreaming, crystal therapy and meditation. The acupuncture cannot be done remotely, but crystal healing and shamanic healing are both powerful remote healing modalities that I have … Read more
I am a qualified and experienced Acupuncturist. I work together with my patients to thoughtfully tailor treatment to the individual, enabling them to regain control of their health. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine theory in a contemporary way. I treat everyone uniquely and holistically. Often working alongside western medicine. I have many years experience across a … Read more
I offer a combination of acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques (cupping, moxibustion, auricular etc), reflexology/VRT, massage and energy healing tailored to individual needs. My aim is to treat any underlying imbalances in order to resolve the presenting symptoms, according to the principles of TCM. I see the relationship with my patients as a partnership … Read more
I am a Traditional acupuncturist with 20 plus years of experience ..I offer mobile treatments or in my treatment room at home