I am a certified Emotional Therapist, Coach and NLP practitioner. I’m a member of the NLP Association of Excellence (NLPEA). I am also a freelance trainer, safeguarding consultant and supervisor. I have a proven track record of working with those wanting to make a change in their life, for whatever reason, with a focus on … Read more

One-to-one coaching and online/in person workshops to help women who feel burnt out and stuck in repeating patterns, and are searching for a direction in their life. To rediscover their sense of purpose again with an improved state of mind, through an understanding of how the mind works, how to lean into emotions for improved … Read more

Holistic Life Coaching is a unique life coaching practice that uses a holistic approach. I’ve practiced as a naturopath, herbalist and iridologist incorporating energy healing and EFT and then I became a certified Life Coach and NLP practitioner . By combining all of my knowledge, expertise and experience I created Holistic Life Coaching that helps … Read more

I am a Psychic Life Coach and I help women to heal themselves from illness and disease shifting to being happy & healthy. I’ve helped women with fibromyalgia, rosacea, gout, anxiety, chronic migraines & more. I offer a complimentary 30 min Zoom chat (no obligation) and if you decide to proceed I offer 60 min … Read more

Freedom 2 Heal uses Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting to explore and resolve past experiences, traumas and negative beliefs that have caused blockages in our energy system or field. These blockages result in emotional or physical dis-ease. By removing these blockages we leave space to create new beliefs and infinite possibilities. EFT and … Read more