I’m a Natural Nutritionist passionate about health on every level. I encourage clients to connect to their body’s own healing abilities …through nutrition, naturopathic techniques and lifestyle choices that help to create increased freedom and wellbeing where there may be depletion and stagnation. 🌈

Nutritional and Natural Therapy advice to help you uncover the true root cause of your symptoms. Learn why these symptoms are happening in your body and how you can resolve issues through examining your dietary needs, emotional requirements and naturopathic remedies.

Trained Naturopathic Nutritionist, working holistically with clients to address and restore imbalances through food and lifestyle. Using a functional medicine approach, we will work together to consider a range of factors including environment, lifestyle, physiology and stress levels to uncover the root cause of a disease or symptom. My mission is to help you understand … Read more

Hello, I am a qualified and registered Nutritional Therapist, Nurse, Homoeopath and Shamanic Healer, based between Kendal and Lancaster, in Cumbria where I have been seeing clients for nearly 30 years. I also offer local in-person health-related workshops and do talks on request. I tend to offer either a combined approach with Nutritional Therapy and … Read more

Are you frequently battling fatigue, struggling with weight management despite your efforts, feeling the frustration of unpredictable energy levels or grappling with persistent brain fog and memory challenges? If these resonate with you, you may be experiencing the unmistakable signs of blood sugar imbalances. I’m Kristina Triebow, a Registered Nutritional Therapist as well as Clinical … Read more

Would you like to reclaim your health, naturally? Are you suffering with fatigue, brain fog, allergies or intolerances, hay fever, asthma, gut/digestive issues, skin problems, autoimmune diseases, arthritis or similar health challenges? Have you been told that you can’t do much about these conditions, or been given ineffective treatment or advice? I understand your frustration! … Read more

Whether you’re seeking help with weight loss, a chronic condition, hormonal changes such as the menopause, or want to focus on disease prevention, each client is individually evaluated and provided with a well-researched and comprehensive plan they can follow for the rest of their lives. ​ I have cultivated a keen interest in nutrition and … Read more

What is Nutritional Therapy? “Treatment based on nutrition including checking a person’s nutrition status and giving the right foods or nutrients to treat conditions”  National Cancer Institute (US) “Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy”  Medline Plus The above definitions … Read more

Silverdragon Wellbeing offers holistic sessions in Naturopathic Nutrition, Shamanic Healing Energy Medicine, Feng Shui, Space Clearing, and Transformative Meditation. Constandia Christofi has twenty years of experience in wellbeing and has created a sacred space for her clients to discover their own self-healing. She offers self-empowering guidance and practical tools that navigate a way to reach … Read more

I am a BANT registered nutritionist and I help people who have challenges with Digestive Health, Chronic Conditions as well as specialising in Men’s Health. I help my clients by working closely with them to gain a detailed understanding of their symptom picture, health history and unravel the complexities of how they are feeling and … Read more

Vanessa is an experienced BANT registered nutritional therapist, wellbeing coach and holistic grief coach. She has recently trained as a certified grief educator with world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. Vanessa specialises in supporting women who feel under stress and out of balance. This may be manifesting as fatigue, hormonal imbalance, low mood or anxiety. She … Read more

I am a Registered Nutritionist with over 20 years experience helping people to improve their health holistically through diet and lifestyle changes. From helping mothers with babies, children and families through to the menopause, beyond and in between, whatever stage of life you are at and whatever issue you want to deal with, you can … Read more