Helping you to connect to your TRUE self by transforming old emotions/beliefs, limiting patterns of doubt, emptiness, self criticism and loneliness into shining confidence, peace and contentment. I’ve been working with clients in various ways for over 30 years. My back ground is in personal and professional coaching, holistic therapies (including Reiki), NLP, emotional intelligence … Read more

In health, the most important factor is our lifestyle. At the same time this is often the most difficult area to make long lasting changes. Coaching is the opportunity to partner with a professional to discover at a deeper level our real goals, strongest motivation, obstacles on the way, what excuses have our subconscious built … Read more

I believe everyone should live their life free from emotional trauma, anxiety, intrusive thoughts and a negative mindset. When we live in our heads too much we can become imprisoned in our own minds where we can create stories of events that may never happen – this in turn can cause anxiety and stress and … Read more

Suzy Beaumont is a Personal Development Consultant, Stress Solutions Coach and Corporate Trainer, Event Planner and Founder of Change Your World, creating a positive ripple effect for individuals, organisations, and the environment. Suzy is an inspiring keynote speaker, trailblazer and world changer and has a massive vision to change the world using the power of … Read more

I am an NLP practitioner and life coach. I help clients manager challenges such as anxiety, fears, anger, difficult relationships or simply transitioning through life and helping to find a new path.

As a transpersonal psychology-trained life coach with a diploma in psychotherapy-hypnotherapy, I offer clients a safe, non-judgemental space to explore and embody their personal myth, meaning and purpose in this life.

I have spent the last 30 years helping groups and individuals to reconnect with what is important to them, inspiring them to move forward on their paths of self discovery, encouraging them to have confidence in who they are and courage to be who they want to be. I empower groups and individuals to live, … Read more

I help my clients connect in with their Divine, Infinite Self and harness the 11 Universal Laws such as the Laws of Vibration and Attraction to start creating the results they truly desire in their lives. Areas I have assisted clients with: Relationships, Health, Vocation, Time and Money issues.

Susan offers SunBEing Detox retreats in the comfort of your own home and where you can connect and share with support in a group online. She also offers 1-1 Healthy Lifestyle Changes sessions, all the while getting you to tap into your own body’s intelligence. The session can include iridology, body reading, nutritional support, advice … Read more

I can help you capture the heart of your end-of-life wishes and guide you through this tender and challenging time. My name is Emma. I’m a nature-loving wellness guide and peer mentor with an integrated medicine practice for the mind, body, and spirit. I offer compassionate and supportive care to those facing the end-of-life stages. … Read more

My name is Irina and I’m a qualified Health Coach. I have a passion for unlocking everyone’s capacity to reach their whole-health potential. Are you going through the transition to menopause? Are you worried about this transition and feel negative about it? Do you feel that things are changing with your body, for example that … Read more

I work to support people in reconditioning their nervous systems for improved physical and mental wellbeing. The nervous system serves as the bridge between mind and body and, as science is beginning to reveal, is at the core of our wellbeing. I use a combination of nervous system education and tools and practices to empower … Read more